Thoughts on FirstClass

September 30, 2008

When enrolling on this course, i was interested to see exactly how the distance learning would be organised and delivered. The use of Plone and FirstClass make the idea of “distance learning” a very feasible reality.

Plone is very simply a course management system that acts almost like a student manual to the course and a reference point for curricular activities, but what i have been incredible impressed with so far is FirstClass.

I had never heard of FirstClass before this course, and it took me a while to see its potential. The best way i can describe it is as a thin client enclosed in an application. It allows users to upload work, e-mail each other, upload and store files and chat in real time along with many other features. I say “thin client” as everything you do in FirstClass is mirrored across every computer it is installed on associated with your account, so if i do my work (which primarily i do) on my work laptop, which is a MacBook Pro, i can come home and use my Windows Vista machine (which i rarely use) to carry on where i left off. Everything is synced server side including icon size and even the background on your home screen.

All of this really makes for a fantastic experience of learning with Anglia Ruskin University, and i look forward to the future now with this fantastic course.

Gaining momentum…

September 29, 2008

I was feeling it last week, but i am really now starting to feel that this course is now starting to take a positive effect on my work, ALREADY!!! 🙂

Today, i created a Gantt chart for our scheme of work, there is now a whopping Gant chart in my classroom that outlines all of years 9, 10 and 11. All of this is also collecting into a portfolio for my QTS and not to mention my M3 application in February!

First post and first week

September 28, 2008

So, like many others have this week, I have just done my very first week of University. University for me consists of a Honours Degree in Learning Technology and Research from the Anglia Ruskin University. Its a fairly new course with revolutionary learning methodologies. Its a distance learning course taken by a cohort of about 30 – 50 people from all over the world, from different age groups and backgrounds.

I had reservations about the course to begin with, not knowing entirely what it would entail. But after a week of getting to grips with the course content and meeting some of the people I will be working with, I have nothing but high expectations of what I can now get out of it.

I hope to continue this blog throughout the 3 year course with the good the bad and the worst I encounter.

1 week down, 155 to go!