BA/BSc what’s the difference?

March 5, 2009

A question i have always tried to put my finger on. Traditionally you would think that scientific subjects are BSc’s (Bachelor of Science) and everything else would be a BA (Bachelor of Arts,) but this is not the case. I have seen an array of courses ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous with BA/BSc seemingly picked at random as a classification, but i think i have now hit the nail on the head. To put it simply its BA = qualitative data and BSc = quantitate data. These are the different types of data used by the different courses, so a dissertation (3rd year project) for a BSc course would include statistics, maths and results from a study to do with numbers whereas a disertation for a BA would have conclusions based on responses and assumptions that could not be classified as 20%, 0.05, 4:1 and so on.

Have i hit the nail on the head? Anyone think different? Answers on a postcard in the comments.

p.s. couldn’t find a more appropriate picture, so there!

Reaping already.

October 4, 2008

So, not only am i doing a qualification that will allow me to climb to the top of my profession, that i am finding truly interesting and engaging and also receiving financial backing for from my organisation, but now am a member of the NUS card scheme.

Okay, so maybe that was a little over the top, but i have seen others see the bene£its of having one of these little beauties before and now its my turn!

Also a big thankyou ro the Angia Ruskin SU for being so very helpfull and sending it to me special delivery on a Saturday! Kudos…